Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mexico...Hotel Perla Verandah.

We are in La Paz now and on our way to Mazatlan, and it's about 11.30pm saturday night. I am sitting in the exact seat you see here doing this blog with a raging night club behind me. Wendy has just walked up behind me also, so I'll put her on for a bit of a go while I shoot back to the room and grab a drink............La Paz just goes nuts on the weekends.

Hi it's me, this city is the Capital of Baja California Sur Peninsula. It is very Mexican. We have only seen a handful of tourists. the hotel we are staying in is 99%Mexicans. The staff speak very limited English and some things like booking a ferry to Mazatlan has been fraught with frustration. We have been trying to learn some Spanish words and phrases but of course, it is not nearly enough. (Lynlee we might join your Spanish classes when we get back) The hotel is on the Esplanade and there is a constant stream of cars and motor bikes cruising all evening. People park all over the place and I'm sure there is no parking fines. Families, young and old people all walk, sit, and be entertained along the Esplanade. We sat for a awhile and were impressed with the atmosphere and vibe of the place. There was no loutish or drunken behaviour at all. People were friendly and pleasant to us. Street vendors sell bowls of corn with a chili sauce, fairy floss, balloons and trinkets. (No hard sell here). Two wedding cars drove past with huge bows on the front of the cars and the drivers did not stop honking their horns to inform everyone about the celebration. Only " Mad dogs and English Men" go out in the midday sun and that applies to us here. Everyone else seems to be in Siesta mode except us and it sure is hot here! I'm glad there is a pool for us to frolic in. Samara makes us frolic. the footpaths are a fright, potholes, steps, cracks etc. We have to keep an eye on where we are walking. In Aust or Amercia it would be a council's litigation nightmare. It is all good......(even Mal is learning to stay cool under Mexican oddities) Cheers, Wendy.


Anonymous said...

Hi, all. Rebecca from California here. I do believe that Jane and I took turns sitting in this exact same chair nearly 8 years ago, during our "you don't need reservations, oh, yes, you do" trip to Baja between Christmas and New Year's. Many of the photos you've shown us have brought back memories of our travels. Thanks for that, and for showing us new places we'll want to explore. Looking forward to more entries

Best, Rebecca.

derg said...

As you are dicovering, Mexico is a great place for just hanging out and enjoying life. If you thought La Paz and Cabo were hot, just wait for Mazatlan!! It's mid 30's this week. When you get to Cancun and have any questions, give me a call or e-mail. Enjoy the remainder of the trip!!!


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your bloggin'!
Theres some good stuff there Stewarts - and great pics!
And you write of sidewalk issues in Mexico!
Wait until (if you do!!) get to Belize....Mexico really is our wealthy neighbour!
A wee tid-bit...its hot here today, took a dip in a Friends pool, a tad chilly, and when we got out we were actually COLD. The water temp was 30oC!!
I kid ye not!
We were supposed to be in Merida around the 18th - having a problem with the house/dog sitter, so may not be exactly then.
How I love Mexico!! Enjoy every moment of it, it really is a special place.
Let us know if you will be down to visit!!!!
viaje seguro! Safe journey

Theresa Spencer said...

Hi you guys,
Good to hear you're safe and happy. I love the term Fairy Floss. You must be meaning Cotton Candy.
Will you get to Mexico City. An amazing place though so big. We didn't really have time to talk too much Mexico, did we. Another very beautiful city with inexpensive nice hotels is Oaxaca. It's between Puerto Escondido and Mexico City. It's all coming back to me now. We just got back from Victoria on Monday. You knew we were all running in the Royal Victoria Marathon, didn't you? Well, we were pretty please with our times even though the (full) marathon winner ran just 5 minutes slower than my half marathon time. Pretty amazing. He was trying to qualify for the Olympics for Canada but missed the cut by 3 min. Mike would know his name. However, he can run two more marathons to try to qualify. But anyway, he came in so strong. It was great to watch. Kellen and Mike had really good times.
Adios amigos y amigas.
Hi Derg :)

Mal's Blog said...

Hi Theresa and gang,
Good to hear your marathon went off ok..........lucky I was'nt there running with you guys or you would have been shown up after all the training I had hiking with you maniacs....( just kiddin' ).

Mexico...aahh yes...I had truly forgotten how hot this place gets, but I so,so love it. The people are just the most friendly and obliging people you could ever wish to meet...nothing is too hard.
I have been watching a lot of the workers down here and the work ethic is just so strong. There are absolutely no beggars whatsoever, everyone works, it does'nt matter how trivial the job is, they all work for there money, and the beach sellers....once you say "no" they just leave you is good to be able to walk around without some bum on the street just holding there hand out and asking you for cash....anyway, enough of that.

Speaking of mexico city Theresa, we will be there this Saturday, but hopefully just for a stopover on the way to Puerto Escondido.I am "big citied" out and am after the smaller coastal town beach life for a while.
Mazatlan is a great city, heaps of cultre as well as the beach life . I was talking to one of the cliff divers the other day, that was very enlightening to hear his story, he lost a mate a couple of years ago who misjudged the dive and broke his neck. They are diving from about 15 meters high into a about two meters of water, and they dont get payed for it....they are relying completely on the generosity of the onlookers for tips. Like I said, there are no beggars, they all do something for there money, even if it is totally absurd.

Please say hi to Doug and all the extended family for me and hopefully we will talk to you soon.
Did Mike get his cards back, they were sent via registered post from So Cal.

Cheers guys,