Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mexico...Land's End Arch.

Wendy making sure the mexican boat crew dont go running amok too close to the rocks at "land's end".........our room at Solmar is just around the other side of this point, which is on the Pacific Ocean, where as this is actually in the Sea Of Cortez.

The day before I took this shot Wendy, Samara and I climbed up and over this rock formation (which was an absolute adventure just in itself)... from Solmar on the pacific side to a beach on the Cortez side called "Lover's Beach" where you can was so hot that you could'nt walk on the sand without it cooking your feet, without any exageration at all, it was quite simply searing / oven hot. We would run like hell for as long as we could, maybe 20 - 30 seconds and then throw the frisbee that we were carting around with us down onto the sand and stand on it or a T shirt or something else to get some reprive from the fire like sand.... and the rocks themselves (granite) were as hot or hotter.
I swear I came home that day with feet that were litterally half cooked, but it was all well worth it when you got there though.

1 comment:

Theresa Spencer said...

Hi Wendy,
Where you are there looks divine. Here I am in dry old Lethbridge. Boo Hoo Hoo.

You look like you are loving life.
