Tuesday, September 4, 2007


The "Experience Music Project".......a must do for all music lovers right under the Needle.........this was taken the day after we went to "Bumbershoot"...... we had all just finished a tour of the Seattle Underground which was really interesting.
Wendy and Samara went their own way shopping etc,etc, while I walked back over to this end of town to go to this exhibition (which is permanant)................this was where the festival was on the weekend, but we did'nt make it in there as we were too busy at the bands.

I love the architecture of this place, it reminds me of Federation Square in Melbourne.

Inside I saw a lot of what you would expect...........Jimmy Hendrix' old guitars, (smashed of course).......... hand written sheet music, movies, etc, etc,.............Pete Townsend and the Who stuff,.......... Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, and so on ..........even "Heart" and their song "Barrucuda".......a great little sojourn if your into your music history, I loved it, and at times while watching one of the Hendrix movies, I got the goose bumps as they were interviewing a lot of the current days stars mixed in with old original clips of Hendrix ( at Woodstock and various gigs ) who were all saying what a huge influence Hendrix was, and still is on them all..........an outright genius gone before his time that will never be eclipsed.....it was good without a doubt.

Anyway..........we have just made it to Mount Rainier, a bit south east of Seattle tonight and are hanging here for a bit ( weather permitting, you have to remember that this is the "Festival Of Rain" area)..........if there's rain tomorrow, we will probably head straight to Mount St. Helens , and if it's still raining there , it will be off to the coast and start heading down towards Oregan, as I reckon I am just about "mountained, glaciered,forested and rivered out" after the beauty of Canada, and we need a good hit of the Pacific Ocean and the waves again before we go stir crazy.
Samara commented today on the way here that she will have forgotten how to swim if we dont hit the surf again soon, and I am getting a bit twitchy for the same reason I think also.........the trip from here on down the Pacific Coast Highway is a spectacular thing in it's own right, and we are really looking foward to that.

KD.............good to hear that you are following us on the blog, I was talking to Derek tonight and he mentioned that you were keeping an eye on us, I'm guessing that a few of the Canadian shots may have been getting close to familiar for you and Maureen...........punch in a few words sometime if you feel the need, and I will get back to you when I can.

Cheers to all,

ps............And if anyone is wondering...........Yes, that is the reflection of the Space Needle that is visible in this photo.

pps.............well, its the next morning and we are greeted with a blazing blue sky and a positively throbbing Mount Rainier, soooo, it looks like I've got to go and climb another monster mountain again.......will post some pics of it as soon as I get a chance. Bye for now.


Unknown said...

Hey guy's, all the shots look great especially the pink shoe laces "Go S". Thanks Mal for the phone call from the dunny i fell real privileged to have received that on my message machine???

Mal's Blog said...

Thats ok mate.......anytime at all.

Mike Spencer said...

Hey Gang,
Kellen and Moyk checkin' in from Edmonchuk. Kellen has a soccer tournament here this weekend.
Glad to hear Seattle provided some fun for you guys. I loved the place last time I was there. It had kinda of an edginess about it where you expected something half great, half dangerous to happen!
On your way from Mt. Rainer to the coast check out the wineries south and west of Portland. There's even one right next to the museum that houses Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose", the world's largest flying boat!
Thanks for the great pics and incitefullness comments. Love you guys,
Mike and Kellen for T and N

PS.....saw Doug earlier today and he says Malcolm is a wanka!!!

Mal's Blog said...

Oh come on Mike.............my old mate Derg wouldnt say something like that about me.......then, come to think of it, he really does love saying that particular word I have noticed !!
Cheers mate,