Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hey, aren't these Sea Lions just wonderful!! We thought so! They are big, shiny, scarred, beautiful, whiskered, barking beasts. They are so noisy. We heard them in the distance and began to make our way towards them. We found them on this abandoned jetty, petty fighting with each other. There was quite a few in the water as well. they also went up onto the other jetties, where the fishermen and yachties had their boats. The men would just walk toward them, and they would peel off into the water. I thought that they might get a bit aggressive if people disturbed them, but they didn't seem to. We were told that these were all males and that they come up from Southern California, and then go back for the mating season. Apparently, the females stay down there. This photo was taken at Astoria, in Northern Oregon on the West Coast. We are now travelling down the West Coast towards California and Mexico. The weather has got warmer, and the winter clothes may be relegated to the bottom of the suitcase, until more camping in the National Parks. There is so much to do and not quite enough time. Choosing the most interesting spots for us now is the hardest decision we have to make. (Ah, life is tough). Samara is now getting her hit of unnatural things, as we have been window shopping and we all had some fun racing in Go Carts. (I got lapped by Mal and Samara......oh dear!) Luv Wendy.

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