Friday, September 21, 2007


The girls standing in the river in the canyon at Zion. We did the hike from the end of the walking track up this canyon and a lot of it was walking in the river.
They are slot canyons and there is no other way except for in the water a lot of the way. It was a great hike as usual.

Wendy here. This was a great walk......even though the water was freezing. When Samara and I first entered the water we took our shoes off and it was painful to be in the water. We didn't think we could do it! Mal was already ahead of us taking photos so if wanted to share the experience we had to do it. We decided to keep our shoes on and it seemed to help. (Maybe all in the mind). We needed shoes, as often there was rapids and rocks. I lost my good walking stick and nearly my dignity, in a rapid and had to scrounge for another stick which is the one I have in this photo. This canyon became narrower and narrower the further upstream we walked. It was great experience.

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