Will add more later tonight. We are in Vegas right now so I'd better go down and give the gaming halls a bit of a nudge. Back soon hopefully, the girls are out on the town somewhere and it's 10pm friday night..... I'm in our "Stratosphere" hotel room blogging..... but now I'm going down to the place of ringing bells and weird noises...see ya !
OK, I'm back........about this shot. I had spent the last 5 minutes trying to set the camera up on the tripod in such a confined, tight space ( the canyon floor here would have been all of about 400mm wide) from where I am shooting. I got it all organised and set the timer to go off in about 10 seconds and pressed the go button, it starts counting down and just before the shot's about to happen I hear a noise comig from that direction and then the guide with his guitar just appears running around the corner in front of me and into the photo while looking back over his shoulder.
Just after the photo has been taken he turns around and spots me and the camera and apologises for running into my photo...........I say to him, "dont worry" and set the timer up again and take the exact same shot for the second time while he goes back around the corner while I do it as I thought that the first shot would have been stuffed with someone in it.
Anyway, I downloaded all my photos from that day when we got to Las Vegas a day later and then go through them all to find this.
I could'nt have set a shot like this up with a weeks planning.........It's priceless.
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