Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mexico...Isla Mujeres

Mexico...Isla Mujeres

Mexico...Isla Mujeres

These guys are quite young with very big guns (M16's I think) that are very much loaded and ready to go, it is just so foreign for us to see so many of these guys anywhere we go in Mexico, but at the same time you tend to feel quite safe with so many of them around also.............and yes, they were friendly. I had been trying to get a shot like this through all our time down in Mexico but until here, the timing had been all wrong, this day it turned around and was all right so I asked and they obliged.
Mexico...Isla Mujeres
Mexico...Isla Mujeres
Mexico...Isla Mujeres

It is also the second to last major stop for us before returning home, so I was quite determined to do quite a bit of relaxing at this place. The plan was to do half a day of laying on the beach in the mornings and half a day of "other stuff" each day for the duration of our time here, and it pretty well went to plan for the main part of our stay.
It is close to being a perfect setting being right on the tip of the island and right on the beach, (the open ocean side, not the Cancun side) ...........we have a week here so were able to cover the entire island quite well, and the two main modes of transport on this island are, scooters and golf buggy's (of which we hired one of) and drove around the entire island in an afternoon, including stopping to go snorkelling, have lunch and doing general sight seeing as well, so that gives you a good indication of the size of it.
Mexico...Playa Del Carmen.

This all happened in the hurricane that went through this place a couple of months before we arrived here.

This site is a lot bigger covering a much larger area with a lot more ruins than the Tulum one and took quite a few hours to go through. It was also pretty good for the fact that there were not anywhere near as many crowds as the Tulum or Chitchenitza sites which was a real bonus, but if you look real hard right at the top of this pyramid, you will still see some tool in an orange shirt that just would'nt get out of the picture . I waited about 20 minutes for him to move, but he would just look down and see me with the camera pointing up towards him and sit there, so in the end I just gave up and shot the pic.............then we all climbed up there, and he was still farting around up there.
Monday, October 29, 2007

Wendy here.......... These cabanas were very tastefully decorated in Mexican style: sand coloured walls and and a burn't red floor with stones and shells placed in the concrete floor. There was about 9 cabanas in the complex and each had an ocean view. In front of the patio, you stepped out onto the sand. Turtles had laid their eggs in the sand back in August and these were marked by small wire fences. We were lucky enough to have two lots of nests hatch while we were there. There was about 100 eggs in one nest, though quite a few of the eggs were dead. We helped collect the baby turtles and put them into a cooler with sea water until the evening came. If the turtles are released during the day too many of them are picked off by pelicans, seagulls etc. It was a magic experience!
The sea in front of the cabanas was the Carribean Sea. It is a magnificent turquoise colour. Just like you see in the travel brochures. We had coconut palms out the front to get some shade. Basically it was just a really great place and we had a ball here.......loved it !
Mexico.....Puerto Escondido.

Doug Sangillo having a fairly close look at a rather glassy Mexpipe wall........and he did see a lot of them too by the way. I would even go as far as saying he got just about every wave he went for !
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Puerto Escondido.........

From left is Chris, Todd, Doug and John..........all surfers and pretty good ones at that, which was good for me as there was always plenty of shots to be had when the waves were on and these guys were out, ( which was pretty well every day at least until 11 or 12 am). This shot was taken at the pool area at Santa Fe about one hour after a camera crew had finished shooting the "Miss Puerto Escondido" beauty pageant......................no wonder they are all grinning, as was myself. I think even Wendy was grinning with all the action going on.
I reckon that some of you may meet some of these guys in Oz sooner or later as there was talk of maybe getting down there one day. and by the way guy's if your reading this, your welcome at our place whenever that may be..........just let us know when your making the trip!
Puerto Escondido.........Chris.
Puerto Escondido.........John.

M n M's

this photo is from vegas but i didnt upload the photos from my camera for a while........this shop is M&M's World and it was so cool.......the photo is of all m&ms and there were more at either end but i couldnt fit it all in......i bought some m&ms and they have normal ones, peanut ones and mini ones and more....all arranged by colors and a lot of them arnt even in normal shops.......it was 4 stories high:O

i got my hair braided for $15 with dark and light pink beads.......it only took the lady about an hour and i counted that i had 43 plaits....she was really quick!
Mexico is fun and shopping for jewelry is good but mum takes to long in every shop and it annoys me..........in the last hotel we stayed in they had turtle eggs hatch 2 nights that we were there......we got to get the babys out and put them in an esky then when we had them all we took them closer to the water and got to release them.....they were so cute and there was not many people...only us and another family who had 3 children and one of them was a girl around my age.......We hired a golf buggy the other day because that and mopeds are the only things you can hire on Ilsa Mujeres.......i got to sit in the back and when we were in a back street i drove it......mum says i was good but dad reckons i wasnt listening to him...i did fine anyway!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Mexico.....Puerto Escondido. Todd.
Mexico.....Puerto Escondido. Broken Boards.
Mexico... Barra Burritos !
Mexico...Barra Soccer.
Mexico...Barra River Crossing.

All the mexican kids thought it was hilarious seeing the white gringo with his family in the rental car doing the river crossings (the thing needed a wash with all the mud that had collected on it further up north near Puerto) . I'll put Wendy on to finish this one while I get ready to head out.
This river was not deep at all but I was concerned that it may have been very soft sand that the car would sink into. I asked Mal to get out and walk through it first to see if it was soft. It wasn't, so we passed through successfully creating a big wave.
Mal did have "spit" with the car when he couldn't get it into reverse as he wanted to get a run up into the water. We were trying to get to a beach that Mal has always wanted to go to and we had followed the road through the village which slowly became narrower and narrower and started to go through fields rather than sand. We decided to double back and the kids in this photo pointed which road was the correct one. It was a very small village which normally would have no tourists at all.
Mexico...Puerto Escondido. Car #7.

Mexico...Puerto Escondido. Roads.

I like this shot mainly for the dashboard display, the pic in general has got Mexico written all over it, but with the Lonely Planet guide sitting up there with it's reflection in the window, it just makes it all the better.
It was an unintentional shot.......(I was just shooting the muddy road through the windscreen because it was too muddy to step out of the car), but when I downloaded it and saw it, that was it..............it was in.
Mexico...Puerto Escondido, Hacienda Revolucion.

This is about a 5 minute walk around the beach to the north west from Zicatella where we are staying, and is the more sheltered beach area that the fishermen all use. Just up from the beach is this part of town with a lot of market type stalls and local produce etc.
Note the baby snoring it's head off in the pram just under the sign.
Mexico...Puerto Escondido.Beach Palapa Night.

There was a Doors album playing in the background and if you look carefully at the hammocks on the left side there were about two or three worn out surfers kicking back in them and just swinging around with a never ending supply of $1 cerveza's (Corona no less) after a big day in the waves....I just went straight into a bloody big time warp at this joint and stayed in it until we left, it was totally relaxing, and home was just a three minute stroll across the road.............Mexico is full of these little places right on the beach and you can get well and truly fed and liquored for next to nothing in one of the best atmospheres you could wish for.............as I keep saying, I love this country.
Mexico...Puerto Escondido. Playa Principal Nets.

Mexico...Puerto Escondido Playa Principal Hillside.

Samara and I went to the Mercado (Market) one morning. That was an experience......lots of fresh fruit, flowers, herbs, bakeries, cafes, trinkets, odds and ends plus the inevitable meat, fish, and chicken section. Samara has declared herself as a vegetarian after seeing this! Very little of it was refrigerated.......most was laying on the slab benches ready to be bought. Sometimes a stall holder would have a little "swoosher" (my word for a little stick with plastic strips on the end) to shoo the flies away.
Mexico...Puerto Escondido, Playa Principal.

We were on a walk around the Playa Principal (Main Beach) and this was one of the colourful shelters for sitting or relaxing. Mal and Samara wanted to go for a walk in the middle of the day even though it was very hot. Something to do, I suppose. Puerto Escondido is a smallish fishing village which has not had a big take-over by Time Share Resorts. It is very pretty with two main beaches: one a fishing boat bay and great for body boarders (at one end) and the other is Zicatela which is a famous surf beach. Also, known as The Mexcian Pipeline. The beaches are separated by a rocky headland. Our hotel is on the border of both beaches which is very handy. Mal goes off to shoot the surf while Samara and I go for a swim or to browse the many stalls and markets. We are staying here for a week which I am pleased about as it is my favourite spot in Mexico so far. We still have 2 more destinations. The food is cheap and delicious.......$8 - $10 US for fresh prawns or fish meals. Every meal comes with tortilla chips and salsa as an entree and that comes free. As there is a few tourists here, there is also plenty of pizza and pasta and vegetarian restaurants. So with Mexican food as well, we are in food heaven. the people are very friendly, like they have been all over Mexico. The different areas we have been to, seem to specialise in different crafts and trinkets. In Mazatlan for example, there was heaps of silver jewellery, here at Puerto Escondido it is more beads. I am starting to buy a few things as we are on the last leg of the trip. We will have to buy an extra bag to get all our stuff home. I don't mind at all!
Margarita's call........it's Happy Hour,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Mexico...Mazatlan Divers, Chikas, Jorge and Girls.
Mexico...Mazatlan Divers, Mid Flight.

I went up to the dive off point with him to shoot this shot........unbelievable being right there with him and him talking me through it while watching all the preperation and stuff going on in his head, his breathing and concentration before leaving me behind was nothing short of astounding..........I think I got just as big a buzz out of being up there with him and watching him go as he did going off.
His name is Jesus........I dont know if he can walk on water, but he certainly can fly across it.
Mexico.....Mazatlan Divers Sequence.

This is Jesus Garcia "Chikas" to his friends, shot from about 30 meters back towards the esplanade with some sequin clad attention seeker that just refused to get out of the picture looking on.
These guys dive from the top of the small white fence that you can see in the top right corner of the first picture which happens to be about 16 meters above sea level. Where they are heading to is just two meters deep........all they rely on to pull this feat off without breaking their neck is judging the swell patterns so that they are leaving the fence at the top and timing it so as they reach the ocean at the same second the incoming wave passes under them at the entry point, and as soon as they hit the water, putting their bodies into a full upward arch and returning to the surface without hitting the bottom. I must say that this did intrigue me highly.
I spent about half an hour talking to these guys during their dives and after to see what the hell makes them do it....basically they are just young men with balls of steel that are doing what boys do...........they do it because they can, and they get a buzz out of it and earn a bit of money from onlookers giving them tips.
BUT...............it does all go terribly pear shaped at times. About a year or so ago, one of them had just come back from living up in the states for a while.....he used to dive (and was good at it) before moving to the USA to live for a while, and when he came back to Mazatlan and hooked up with his old friends he thought he would give it another go. He took a dive from this spot, misjudged the entry, and hit the bottom instantly breaking his neck, and then floated to the surface in front of a couple of hundered onlookers with cameras flashing and videos rolling......... the hospital turned his life support off about 3 days later. This shook the hell out of Chika, Jorge and the couple of other guys that do this sport, but they are still up there doing it on a daily basis with no more loss of life since then.
The time we did spend talking to them was certainly an interesting conversation, and they seemed like just your average , ordinary, everyday Mexicans ( until you saw them run up to the top of this lookout and then dive off ).
You can see in the last photo here how close to the rocks they actually land, and also how quick they return to the surface..... Chika's head is back out of the water pretty well before his feet have gone in. Very cool, and also a little bit crazy....but you have to admire them.
Mexico.....Mazatlan. Old town esplanade area.
Mexico...Stone Island, Sinaloa, Mexican Limousine.

No........I'm not kidding you. That is what they call them, they take on a few different forms, this particular one being the horse drawn version on a single axle, which makes for a very interesting ride over the rough dirt roads on the island.
The other one is a larger version which is basically a large wooden box / crate made up and placed on a old salvaged bus or truck chassis with wooden planks placed from side to side across the box and running from front to back at about 500mm spaced intervals to form seats, and the whole thing is then hooked up to a tractor (extremely old as well, but still running) and off you go.........these big ones carry about 60 passengers....priceless as you would say.
Note the smoke damage coming out of the kitchen window at the back of the place...it is just such a "mexican" scene this one, it is how I have always seen the true Mexico....too good.!
Mexico...Stone Island, Puesta De Sol.

We went over to this island just for a day and chilled out on the beach and in the bar. It's a great little place and this bar / restaraunt as you can see is right on the beach.......there are hundreds of little bars like this all over Mexico, all on the beach with million dollar views . Just roll in there with your wet boardys or bathers on, "no problemo", take a seat overlooking the ocean and relax while knocking back a few cervaza's or margaritas in between jumping in the 30 degree C ocean for a bit of "ocean therapy"...........I think that this is one of the reasons why I do, (and always have) love Mexico......it is just so easy going and relaxing (opposite to our busy life back home)......it really is a beautiful country.
Mexico...Stone Island Trader.

Mexico.....Artist's House, Old Mazatlan.

Old town Mazatlan................This is a really nice area, and is the original heart and soul of the city. We went in here a couple of times while in Maz, day and night, dinner in this area one night was so relaxed and easy going you just felt like you were meant to be there, and the food was to die for !
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