Thursday, November 1, 2007

LAX....1st Nov 07.

It's me again (Mal).

Oh my goodness............what a difference a day makes.
The beautiful surrounds of Mexico and the Caribbean one day and Los Angeles international airport the next.

Big thanks go out to Terri and Larry for their synchronisation and effort in getting us and our gear all up here today (our bags seem to have expanded since Mexico).......... we would be lost without you guys.

Tonight, this is the view from a decidedly crappy hotel room right on top of LAX for a quick and hopefully easy exit to Hawaii early tomorrow morning....(one thing we have learnt on this trip, is that there is generally no such thing as a quick and easy exit from LAX). This is our third passage through this airport in the last three months, and not one of them has been remotely's always stressfull and full on, but at the other end Hawaii is'nt, so it's all good.

As I type this the girls are in bed and there is a constant flow of jets landing and taking off to both the north and south of this motel which makes for a stereophonic sonic sleep tonight I think, but wait, there's more............................the main highway south to San Diego is at the front door, so we are surrounded by sound, and it is not quite the 'Bumberfest" type sound that I would prefer, but it is the sound that we have become quite used to over the course of this journey, "on the road type sounds". It is all part of the travelling experience though and "ya gotta love it for what it is", and thats why we are travelling is'nt it.......the joy of new experiences, new friends, and learning in life, and believe me.....this trip has delivered on all of the above for all of us.

As we drove through Poway, Pendleton and other bits of southern California today on the way to the airport, the extent of the bushfires that went through here last week while we were in Mexico became fully apparent .....something like 1,400 homes completely lost or damaged (and there are still minor fires burning around here as I write this) , it just seemed surreal that our friends here were going through this ordeal while we were down in Mexico oblivious to the fact that it was even happening, these fires came so close to where we stayed with Terri and Brent before and after Mexico while in this area.

Anyway, tomorrow I am hoping to land in Hawaii to be greeted with some sizeable "Pipeline" magic over the next 5 days or so, and we have another early start in the morning to make it all happen, (but not as early as our 3am start yesterday in Cancun to get to Dallas Texas so we could connect to San Diego and be there for all the hoohaa of halloween which the grommet absolutely had a ball in joining in with all the local kids and trick or treating) so I will sign out of here for now and get back and do some more in the next day or two.

See ya.!!!

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